Me Time

Hello there,

That’s my 2nd weekend in a row I’m just staying in my room, I’ve found a peaceful mind by not going anywhere and enjoy every single time in my comfy room. Back then, I loved to enjoy the coffee shop vibe but might be some people assumed that it was just burning money :), but it’s not totally wrong. Weekend is about “refactoring” then “rebuilding” what have happened over the past week and what we gonna do for the upcoming week it likes retro, doesn’t it ? anw, when I looked back to my old Me I prefer to spent my time alone in my room (that’s totally my kind of weekend when I was in university), reading book, writing journal and listening music. Here my fav song when I was reading or writing journals.

Image from iOS (8)
1. I believe – Maher Zain Link

2. Harrish J – You’reMy Life Link

3. The Way of Tears – Muhammad al Muqit Link

4. Allah Loves You – Deen Squad Link

5. Talib al Habib – The Loved One Link

Terimakasih yang sudah menyempatkan membaca. Wassalam



Living in This Life

Love, forgiveness, kindness and compassions are those things that matter for our life, at certain point in our life we will find  different perspectives.


For all those tears are falling down

Sometime my wings are broken, my heart hurt a lot and my egos are bigger

That’s part of becoming the way I’m

I wanna fly high again

I wanna feel beautiful again

I wanna feel my true soul again

with the power of my two hands to You

Shining in my body and soul

I don’t wanna blame anything or anyone

It’s part of the beautiful journey

Life is not perfect, miserable sometime,  terrible things might be happened and lot of mistakes were made

It’s part of a poem in my life

I wanna forgive and forget my past, I will never come back to my past

I let universe lead my way with embracing my flaws

I wanna  rebuild, those kind of things were broken

I love my skin

I wanna find my soul, an old one was gone

Time will heal every soul, time makes better better and better version of life


Dear my self

You’ll read again and again and over again every time you’re lost

You’ll find a peace, all disappointments will go away

Now, there are million hopes for tomorrow

Universe has broken my ego

You’re part of the mission



Thanks to my soul sister Mbak Wulan who always support me that life is always be working in progress, for those tears it makes our life pure with love. Terimakasih sudah menyempatkan membaca mungkin ada yg pernah atau sedang berada dalam transformasi hidup, semoga bermanfaat. Wassalam